Monday, February 27, 2012

广东话 水落石出 这话英语怎么说?





= the whole things come to obvious  (意译free translation)


= come out in the wash  (意译free translation)



=  when the water subsides the rock emerge, the whole thing comes to light (直译literal translation)



Saturday, February 25, 2012

广东话 左右做人难 这话英语怎么说?



= Malcolm in the Middle  (意译free translation)


= it is not easy to be a man on either the left or the right (直译literal translation)


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

广东话 上咗岸 这话英语怎么说?





= made a million  (意译free translation)


=  make a fortune  (意译free translation)



= have gone ashore (直译literal translation)



= ascent the shore (直译literal translation)


Sunday, February 19, 2012

广东话 口轻轻 这话英语怎么说?


= too easy to make promises  (意译free translation)



= the mouth is light  (意译free translation)


Saturday, February 18, 2012

广东话 冇出息 这话英语怎么说?


= good for nothing  (意译free translation)

= not promising (意译free translation)


= do not give out interest       (直译literal translation)


Thursday, February 16, 2012

广东话 天网恢恢,疏而不漏 这话英语怎么说?



= justice has long arms (意译free translation)


= the net of heaven has large meshes, but it lets nothing through  (直译literal translation)



Monday, February 13, 2012





= extort someone who has made a mistake  (意译free translation)

= dog killed bargain  (直译literal translation)




Saturday, February 11, 2012



= folding the bridge after acrossing the river  (意译free translation)

= kick down the ladder  (意译free translation)

=  after the fast, monks are not required  (意译free translation)



Friday, February 10, 2012

广东话 日久见人心 这话英语怎么说?



= time will tell  (意译free translation)

= time reveals a man’s heart  (意译free translation)

= time will tell a true friend from a false one  (意译free translation)

= running out of time I see who’s fake  (意译free translation)


= one’s heart can be seen after a long time  (直译literal translation)



Thursday, February 9, 2012

广东话 打如意算盘 这话英语怎么说?




= expect things to turn out as one wishes  (意译free translation)


= count one’s chicken before they hatch  (意译free translation)



=  hit on the abacus of sceptreborder (直译literal translation)


= have a plan only favour

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

广东话 打死不离亲兄弟 这话英语怎么说?



= blood is thicker than water (意译free translation)




=  full brothers are ready to fight to death for each other under any circumstances (直译literal translation)




Tuesday, February 7, 2012

广东话心抱 这话英语怎么说?




  = daughter-in-law (意译free translation)


     = to embrace by heart  (直译literal translation)



Monday, February 6, 2012

广东话 打同通 这话英语怎么说?



= gang up with  (意译free translation)


= collude with  (意译free translation)


= in league with  (意译free translation)


Sunday, February 5, 2012

广东话 打牙骹 这话英语怎么说?



= chat  (意译free translation)

= cackle  (意译free translation)

= blatter  (意译free translation)

= chitchat  (意译free translation)

= chatter  (意译free translation)




= hit the jawbone  (直译literal translation)



Thursday, February 2, 2012

广东话 古缩 这话英语怎么说?



= as dumb as an oyster and unsocial  (意译free translation)

= as mum as a mouse   (意译free translation)

= taciturnity   (意译free translation)


= old and shrink   (直译literal translation)


英語辨析 - 1

Agree to agree with 有什麼分別

Agree to  = 同意或接受,答應某想法、安排、計劃、建议


John agree to my plan.
Do you agree to our going through the room?
We agree to help you.
They agree to their proposal.

Agree with  = 與某人有相同看法,對某意見、解釋表示贊成


John agree with me.
He agrees with every word you have said.
Too much wine won’t agree with me.
What you have heard doesn’t quite agree with the truth.

广东话 古/蛊惑 这话英语怎么说?




How to say  /蛊惑  in English?

= bewitch

= delude

= cunning

= sly

= crafty