Tuesday, August 31, 2010




成事在天 = God disposes, Heaven makes the final decision as whether a cause will succeed



要知多些 —到这里


Monday, August 30, 2010

Sunday, August 29, 2010








= be unable to help accomplish anything but liable to spoil everything


= do not have enough ability to bring success yet have more than enoug

    faults to cause disaster


 = never make but always mar





要知多些 —到这里


Saturday, August 28, 2010

广东话 反斗 这话英语怎么说?



反斗 = be naughty(意译)


     = overturn a peck of trouble(直译literlization)



Friday, August 27, 2010

Thursday, August 26, 2010

广东话 反口覆舌 这话英语怎么说?


反口覆舌 = not to keep one’s words(意译)


         = break one’s promise(意译)


         = deny one’s words(意译)



         = turn over the mouth and tongue(直译literlization)




要知多些 —到这里



Wednesday, August 25, 2010

广东话 山水有相逢 这话英语怎么说?




 = it is likely for somebody to meet each other again in travels one day(意译)



           = mountains and waters have chance to meet each other(直译)




Monday, August 23, 2010

广东话 牛头唔对马嘴 这话英语怎么说?



牛头唔对马嘴 = the answer is incongruous with the question(意译)


             = fly off at a tangent(意译)


             = lose the thread of one’s discourse(意译)


             = besides the point(意译)



             = a cow’s head does not match with a horse’s mouth(直译literlization)





要知多些 —到这里



Sunday, August 22, 2010

广东话 牛赵牡丹 这话英语怎么说?



牡丹 = not know chalk from cheese(意译)

         = cast pearls before swine(意译)


        = an ox chews peony.--- it does not know whether it is flower or grass(直译literlization)



要知多些 —到这里



Saturday, August 21, 2010

Friday, August 20, 2010

广东话 牛高马大 这话英语怎么说?



牛高马大 = stand like a giant(意译)



         = as tall as an ox and big as a horse(直译literlization)



要知多些 —到这里



Wednesday, August 18, 2010

广东话 牛唔饮水唔揿得牛头低 这话英语怎么说?




牛唔饮水唔揿得牛头低 = you may take a horse to the water, but you can not make him drink


                    = if a cow does not want to drink water, no one can push its head down




Tuesday, August 17, 2010





沉思 = ponder

     = mediate ( on/upon something)

     = contemplate ( on/ upon something)



要知多些 —到这里




Monday, August 16, 2010

广东话 牛皮灯笼—点极都唔明 这话英语怎么说?




牛皮灯笼点极都唔明 = not understand what one is taught(意译)


                     = be poor at understanding what somebody says(意译)



                     = a lantern mounted with hide---not transparent

                            –no matter how it is lit(直译literlization)




要知多些 —到这里




Saturday, August 14, 2010

Friday, August 13, 2010

广东话 手尾长 这话英语怎么说?

广东话  手尾长       这话英语怎么说?




  = the trouble lasts long(意译)


        = the trouble is endless for the future(意译)



        = the hand and tail is long(直译literlization)





要知多些 —到这里



Tuesday, August 10, 2010

广东话 手紧 这话英语怎么说?



手紧 = be short of cash

     = be in low water

     = one’s money is tight

     = be out at elbows


     = the hand is tight


要知多些 —到这里



Monday, August 9, 2010

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Friday, August 6, 2010

广东话 手气 这话英语怎么说?



手气 = luck at gambling(意译)



 = the air of hands (直译literlization)



Thursday, August 5, 2010







扯后腿 = hold somebody back ( from action)

       = be a drag ( on somebody)

       = be a hindrance ( to somebody)



要知多些 —到这里




Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010

广东话 手指抝出唔抝入 这话英语怎么说?




手指抝出唔抝入 = help and protect outsiders(意译)



               = fingers are bent out but not bent in (直译literlization)