Sunday, October 31, 2010

广东话 心酸 这话英语怎么说?





   = feeling sad(意译free translation)




     = the heart feels sour(意译free translation)



要知多些 —到这里


Saturday, October 30, 2010

Thursday, October 28, 2010





           = do a hard but thankless job

           = be arduous but fruitless

           = be a fool for one’s gains


吃力不討好的工作 = unthankful task

                 = thankless job



要知多些 —到这里


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

广东话 心领 这话英语怎么说?



心领 = no, thank you(意译free translation)


     = I appreciate your kindness but I must decline the offer(意译free translation)



     = the heart accepts it(直译literal translation)





要知多些 —到这里


Monday, October 25, 2010

广东话 心嗰句,口嗰句 这话英语怎么说?

心嗰句,口嗰句 = say what one thinks about(直译literal translation)


               = the tongue speaks what the heart thinks(直译literal translation)


               = say from the bottom of one’s heart(直译literal translation)


               = be outspoken in the expression of one’s opinions(直译literal translation)



               = the heart says so and the mouth also says so(直译literal translation)



要知多些 —到这里


Saturday, October 23, 2010

广东话 心照不宣 这话英语怎么说?



心照不宣  = Have a tacit understanding(直译literal translation)




          = The heart understands without mentioning(直译literal translation)




要知多些 —到这里


Friday, October 22, 2010




吃亏上当 = have suffered as a result of being deceived

         = be fooled and get into trouble




要知多些 —到这里


Thursday, October 21, 2010

广东话 少数怕长计 这话英语怎么说?



少数怕长计 = many a little makes a mickle(意译free translation)




            = a little quantity fears to be counted for long(直译literal translation)



要知多些 —到这里


Monday, October 18, 2010

广东话 心嘟嘟 这话英语怎么说?



心嘟嘟 = find it in one’s heart to do something(意译free translation)


       = would like very much to do something(意译free translation)



       = the heart  moves about (直译literal translation)



要知多些 —到这里


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Saturday, October 16, 2010

广东话 心都凉晒 这话英语怎么说?



心都凉晒 = gloat over one’s enemy’s misfortune(意译free translation)


         = the heart feels cool (直译literal translation)


要知多些 —到这里



Thursday, October 14, 2010

广东话 心淡 这话英语怎么说?



心淡 = be discouraged(意译free translation)


     = show indifference towards….. (意译free translation)


     = lose heart

     = lose confidence in …. (意译free translation)



     = the heart becomes insipid (直译literal translation)


要知多些 —到这里


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

广东话 心神恍惚 这话英语怎么说?



心神恍惚 = lose one’s presence of mind(意译free translation)


         = have a bee in one’s bonnet(意译free translation)


         = suffer from fidgets(意译free translation)




         = the heart becomes blurred and indistinct  (直译literal translation)


要知多些 —到这里



Monday, October 11, 2010






     = eat, drink and be merry – idle away one’s time in pleasure–seeking

         = wine and dine and enjoy oneself

         = indulge in gluttony and pleasure-seeking  



要知多些 —到这里


Sunday, October 10, 2010

广东话 心思思 这话英语怎么说?



心思思 = have a mind to do something (意译free translation)

       = ponder over…(意译free translation)

       = be spoiling for…. (意译free translation)


       = with a thought in the mind  (直译literal translation)



要知多些 —到这里



Saturday, October 9, 2010




吃喝嫖赌 = indulge in eating, drinking, gambling and frequenting brothels—lead a dissipated life




要知多些 —到这里


Friday, October 8, 2010

广东话 心急 这话英语怎么说?




心急 = be short-tempered  (意译free translation)


     = be impatient  (意译free translation)


     = in a hurry  (意译free translation)




     = the heart hurries up (直译literal translation)



要知多些 —到这里


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

广东话 心服口服 这话英语怎么说?





         = be sincerely convinced (意译free translation)



         = both the heart and the mouth are subordinate to (直译literal translation)


Monday, October 4, 2010

广东话 心肝椗 这话英语怎么说?




    = one’s darling

       = one’s dear heart

       = hold somebody dear


       = the footstalk of heart and liver